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Capitol Ministries Weekend

with Ralph Drollinger
Biblical Insights Into Jesus’ Debating Skills Sunday, March 17, 2024
A public servant can learn much about debating skills from this week’s Bible passage. As I strive to serve you and make the Scriptures practical and applicable, I am constantly praying and thinking about your life in elected office and what is most pertinent in the passage relative to that, being careful to not sacrifice authorial intent. This week I cannot help but observe how the desperation of Jesus’ enemies impelled them to publicly discount the Lord’s credibility. Sound familiar? The failure of Jesus’ foes to win debates in previous encounters has so frustrated and infuriated them that they, in this week’s passage, become absurd in their attacks. Imagine that! Let us critically examine this and the previous passages relative to Jesus’ debating skills and see what we can learn about improving ours. This promises to be a rich study—especially as you approach the primaries and upcoming November elections.

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Free PDF | Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?

In times like these, the call for Christians to take light and truth to politics has never been more urgent. “Should Christians Be Involved In Politics?” is a roadmap for those ready to answer that call.

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