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Watchman on the Wall

with Southwest Radio Ministries
Africa Needs Jesus Part 2 Friday, April 26, 2024
Josh Davis speaks with John Summerville from TWR about the Africa Needs Jesus mission.  A wind-up radio doesn’t require electricity or batteries. Working with local churches, pastors recommend people from their congregation to receive them. A wind-up radio is a precious treasure.  Your gift today will help provide access to the gospel to the poorest communities throughout Africa. You will be giving an individual, family, or village their lifeline to the gospel, broadcast in their native language – as well as giving them hope, healing and a path to transformation. Imagine the lasting spiritual footprint you could leave in Africa through partnering with this Gospel opportunity. Call 888-777-1875 or visit africaneedsjesus.com/swrc to give the gift of the gospel today.

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Giants, Gods, and Dragons

Summon the truth-seekers! "Giants, Gods, and Dragons" by Sharon K. Gilbert and Derek P. Gilbert uncovers astonishing truths about our world. Giants, pagan gods, and dragons are not myths—they're real and gearing up for the ultimate showdown with God. Revealing the identities of the Four Horsemen, deciphering the mysteries of Babel and Babylon, and predicting the rise of dragons in the final days, this book challenges your understanding of reality. Secure your copy now and awaken to the startling truths hidden in plain sight!

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