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4word Women

with Work Love Pray
Grief is an Empty Canvas Wednesday, September 4, 2024
All of us will experience grief in some way in our lifetimes, but grief is a special phenomena in that we will all walk through it in our own unique way. Kristin Brown, vice president of communications for the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, shares her raw and real journey through grief and why she has come to liken grief to an empty canvas. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Links for this episode:Interview with Nancy Guthrie, founder of GriefShareGriefShare recovery programHolding on to Hope: A Pathway through Suffering to the Heart of God by Nancy Guthrie Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop “Why the Church Needs the Infertile Couple,” article by Matt Anderson in Christianity Today Guest Bio: Kristin Brown serves as vice president of communications for the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, where she develops and implements the strategy to connect evangelical Christians with the Institute’s transformational message that all work matters to God. Kristin has an extensive background in communications, with prior roles as Vice President of Communications for Care Net, the largest organization supporting the life-affirming work of pregnancy centers, and as media director for Family Research Council, a public policy organization in Washington, DC. As an effective spokesperson on public policy and social issues, she has appeared on CNN, MSNBC’s “Hardball,” C-SPAN, CNBC, and Fox News, and has been quoted nationwide in various publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, USA Today, and the Associated Press. Originally broadcast dated: October 2019 Kristin is also currently exploring work in the ministry field, whether at a church or parachurch ministry. She is serving in a two-year internship at her church heading up women’s ministry while she pursues her Master of Arts in Religion from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. A Southern California native, Kristin graduated from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Kristin and her husband, Scott, have been married five years and live in Northern Virginia. Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)

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