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A Daily Walk

with John Randall
Love and Liberty Part 2a Tuesday, October 22, 2024
There are some things the Bible is very clear about… you shouldn’t steal, lie or commit adultery for instance.  But then there’s another area we might classify as “doubtful things.”  The Bible doesn’t say one way or the other, what we’re to do.  Like, what color should the carpet be in the church, or should I drive a luxury or economy car?  We’re free to have differences of opinion over these doubtful things, but we must never divide over it.  Today on a Daily Walk pastor John Randall encourages us to work towards unity with Romans chapter fifteen in view.

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The Root of the Righteous

This month we’re offering the book, “The Root of the Righteous” by A.W. Tozer!  Each chapter doesn’t take long to read, as they’re fewer than five pages.  But in each page you’ll find a wealth of wisdom that will serve to help you cultivate a pure heart, and a life that bears fruit, as you abide in God. 

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