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A Daily Walk

with John Randall
No Condemnation Part 1 Friday, September 6, 2024
Listening friend are you living under the weight of condemnation? Maybe you’re feeling a certain heaviness as you think back on all your failures in life, or you’re experiencing the burden of trying to please God by your own efforts!  That’s where a lot of people are at today, but there is a better way.  Today on a Daily Walk we discover that if you’re in Christ, you’re no longer condemned, but loved!  And God has supplied all the power we need to live the Christian life, through His Spirit.  

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Pleasing God

This month we’d like to make special mention of an excellent book written by Kay Smith titled, “Pleasing God.”  We face choices every day, and we hope it’s your desire to please God as you go about making those decisions. In Pleasing God, Kay Smith encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure in mind!  

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