A Daily Walk

with John Randall
Simplicity in Christ Part 1 Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Today we’ll continue our series though Second Corinthians with an important message about the simplicity there is in the gospel.  There can be that tendency within us to think if it’s too simple it must not be true!  But the gospel is true, even though it’s so simple a child can understand it! God designed it that way, so that everyone can be saved.  

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Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World by David Jeremiah

Let’s face it, we live in a discouraging and chaotic world! At times it can be overwhelming, and it would be easy to lose heart and hope! So we’ve picked out an encouraging resource for you called, “Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World!” Authored by David Jeremiah. You’ll read 10 biblical promises that will bring comfort in the chaos.

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