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A Daily Walk

with John Randall
The Danger of Divisions Part 1 Tuesday, November 5, 2024
With all the various personalities, preferences, and convictions… we shouldn’t be surprised when there are differences and disagreement in the church.  While there’s certainly nothing wrong with having differing opinions… we can run into real problems when we take things a step further and an argument develops or worse yet division! Today on a Daily Walk pastor John Randall shares the reason why it’s so important to have unity in the church. 

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The Master’s Indwelling

Each month we pick out a book that we believe can help you grow in your Daily Walk, and this month it’s, “The Master’s Indwelling,” by Andrew Murray.  In The Masters Indwelling Murray addresses the carnal nature, humility, the self, what it means to deny the flesh, joy and faith in the Christian life. 

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