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Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

with Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
Faith Healer Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Sin makes us like first century lepers: disfigured, unacceptable both to God and other people, and unable to help even ourselves. The leper in Luke was an outcast. He was considered as good as dead by his society, but he still ran to Jesus and cried out for healing. How did Jesus respond to him? How does he respond to us when we turn to him for new life?

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Sanctification (PDF Download)

Those who are in Christ have been justified before God. But salvation means much more; it means that we are sanctified, that God actually leads us into holiness. As Michael Allen and company explain, our holiness is carried out in the present work of our sovereign, loving God. In Christ we are given life, not simply in name, but in fact. Praise the Lord, who delivers His children through every weakness. Though you struggle with sin, do not be discouraged; it is God who works in you, "both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).

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