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The Grace Message

with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the "wrath" of God? Thursday, January 9, 2025
What is the "wrath" of God? How will some experience it if Jesus died to free us from it? Does God speak audibly to us today? How do we "hear" from God? How should we look at giving under the New Covenant?

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As thanks for your gift below, we’ll send you Andrew Farley’s new 7-message series, Grace Over Grind: The Discipleship You’ve Never Heard Of! to help you embrace true, Biblical discipleship.

In it, Pastor Andrew pulls back the curtain on some of the most common spiritual growth habits to show you that it’s not about climbing a spiritual ladder—but resting in grace and trusting in Christ for growth.

So request your copy when you give. And thank you for your partnership!

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