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Ankerberg Show

with Dr. John Ankerberg
Ep. 1 | Dealing With Doubt Monday, April 22, 2024
Are there different types of doubt, or do all doubtful thoughts and feeling come from the same source? What steps does God give us in the Bible to help us deal with emotional types of doubts? Dr. Ankerberg’s guest, Dr. Gary Habermas answers these and many other questions about doubts in a Christian’s life.

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Dealing With Doubt Are there different types of doubt, or do all doubtful thoughts and feelings come from the same source? Does every doubt respond to the same assurance? What steps does God give us in the Bible to help us deal with emotional types of doubts? Dr. Ankerberg's guest, Dr. Gary Habermas, answers these and many other questions about doubts in a Christian's life.
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