The Boundless Show
with Lisa Anderson
Best Rom-Coms and Romantic Movies: Episode 889
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Our favorite romantic films, plus the history of St. Valentine and Valentine’s Day, and attending the wedding of someone you used to date. Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta Roundtable: Best Movies for Valentine’s Day Do you have a go-to film for Valentine’s Day? Do you prefer a rom-com or an epic romance or period drama? To help you celebrate February 14th, our panelists duke it out over the all-time best movies about love and romance. Listen in to see if your favorite makes the list and hear our opinions on what makes for a great love-centric storyline. Leave Us a Voicemail Watch This Segment on YouTube Link to Plugged In Website Culture: Will the Real St. Valentine Please Stand Up? Where did the Valentine’s Day traditions of flowers, romantic cards and heart-shaped candies come from? It started with St. Valentine, a real person with a fascinating story. To help separate truth from legend, historian Bill Petro shares facts, fiction and legacy around the Roman priest and the holiday that shares his name. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity Visit Bill Petro’s Blog Inbox: Attending the Wedding of Someone You Dated What if you’re invited to the wedding of someone you used to have feelings for? What if it was someone you actually dated? A counselor offers advice. Find us on YouTube Link to Counseling Services
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