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Capitol Ministries Weekend

with Ralph Drollinger
The Need for Discipleship Bible Study Ministries for Political Leaders in YOUR Community Saturday, August 3, 2024
Political leaders desperately need to be grounded in God’s Word and yet they are one of the most neglected mission fields when it comes to evangelism and discipleship. For more than 25 years Capitol Ministries has planted discipleship Bible study ministries for state and federal leaders. We are now dedicated to building ministries for America’s city and county leaders through our Local Government Ministries (LGM) initiative.CapMin is seeking men who are proven, intentional, deliberate, biblically reliant disciple makers to lead these ministries. Are you a pastor, former pastor, Sunday School teacher, layman, or retired businessman who senses a call from God to evangelize, disciple, and teach His Word to public servants? If so, we invite you to learn about us.In addition to this program, we welcome you to learn more at CapMin.org/Local!

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Free PDF | Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?

In times like these, the call for Christians to take light and truth to politics has never been more urgent. “Should Christians Be Involved In Politics?” is a roadmap for those ready to answer that call.

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