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Defending Faith, Family and Freedom Podcast

with Gary Bauer
Gary Bauer and Tom Rose Discuss the Importance of the National Jewish Day of Mourning Thursday, August 15, 2024
In this week's episode of Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom with Gary Bauer, senior vice president of public policy at the James Dobson Family Institute, Bauer interviews frequent guest Tom Rose, who is live from Israel. The two discuss the historical importance of the National Jewish Day of Mourning. In Hebrew, the Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar (August 12-13, 2024). On this day, Jews deprive themselves of nearly all human comforts and devote themselves to prayer and fasting. The holiday is the culmination of the Three Weeks, a period during which the Jewish people mark the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 486 BC and the Roman Empire in 70 AD. You won't want to miss this fascinating discussion.

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