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Dwelling Place

with Al Pittman
Stand Fast! (by grace) part 1 Monday, October 21, 2024
 Pastor Al Pittman will show us today what the apostle Paul was referring to when he told the Galatians “They have fallen from grace”. And as we go along in this section of Galatians, we’ll receive a very strong but needed warning not to pursue self-righteousness. Paul wrote this letter to a group of Jews who just couldn’t accept that the gospel message was intended for Gentiles as well. God’s grace is available to every person - and hallelujah to that! 

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Surviving the Storm

Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.

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