From His Heart
with Dr. Jeff Schreve
Jesus and the Fallen Disciple - Part 2
Friday, January 24, 2025
Many of us know what it’s like to fall and fail the Lord. Is there hope for a true disciple who greatly fails the Lord? Yes! In this hopeful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three insights into the heart of Peter after he sinned so greatly and yet found grace and forgiveness in Jesus.
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Discernment in a Day of Deception - Series
Are you a discerning Christian? Are you able to biblically and accurately discern between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and error? Sadly, many Christians are not. As a result, they fall prey to the deceptions of the enemy. In this eye-opening series, Pastor Jeff Schreve addresses the critical need for believers to do what Jesus commanded and "judge with righteous judgment."