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From His Heart

with Dr. Jeff Schreve
Here Come the Plagues - Part 1 Friday, March 7, 2025
The ten plagues God inflicted on Egypt were devastating and destructive. Why did God deal so harshly with Egypt? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares why God was so severe and what we can learn from the first three plagues that were inflicted upon Egypt.  

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Faithful & True: Introducing the One & Only God-Series

The Book of Exodus is a book of rescue—God coming to deliver His people enslaved in Egypt for centuries. In this great and miraculous deliverance, God reveals Himself as faithful and true, the One and only God. In Exodus 5:2, Pharaoh asked the question, “Who is the LORD (YHWH) that I should obey His voice?” And God answers that question in resounding, unforgettable fashion. This powerful series on the exodus from Egypt reminds us afresh that we serve a God who is able and who always keeps His word.

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