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Generations Radio

with Kevin Swanson
Economy Moving Skill-Centric - Hiring Rates Down for College Grads Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Turns out that finding a job in today's market has been harder for those who have attained a bachelor's degree. Since 1980, the price of a college education has risen at 1300 percent, while the CPI has risen about 150 percent. College debt has gone from $300 billion to $1.75 trillion since 2004 in 20 years. That’s a six-fold increase, with 85 percent of kids getting bachelors’ degrees graduating with debt. The economy is moving from degree-centric to skill-centric, and mentorship is the fastest way to skill development. This program includes:  1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Dick and Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala, James Earl Jones died, Russian army has destroyed or harmed 630 Ukrainian churches) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson 

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