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Generations Radio

with Kevin Swanson
Mystery of Ancient Egyptian History Revealed - Egypt Interrupted by Abraham, Joseph, and Moses Wednesday, September 4, 2024
The key to unravelling the complex mysteries of ancient Egyptian history is found in a biblical chronology. Finally, Christian researchers are aligning ancient histories and archeological finds with a rock-solid biblical historical record. In this new exchange with Kenneth Griffith, we point out the dynasties and Pharaohs that align with the biblical historical records of Joseph, Moses, and the Exodus. 

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This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

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