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God Centered Life

with Josh Moody
Genesis - A New Beginning: A New Family Saturday, August 24, 2024
The story of the Bible as a whole, and particularly the story of Joseph, is God's sovereign telling of a story that weaves together the elements of our lives for the purpose of our salvation. When we are in the midst of a storm, we don't know how it's going to turn out, but we have to trust and do what we can right then and there.

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Free Resource | Does the Bible Promote Tolerance or Intolerance?

One group says the Bible is a book about love, mercy, and kindness. They think of the story of the Good Samaritan and of Jesus telling us to turn the other cheek. So how could anyone think the Bible prevents a tolerant society? But for another group, the Bible is far from tolerant. There’s the conquest of Canaan. There’s Elijah killing Baal’s prophets by his own hand. And in the New Testament, Jesus talks often about hell. That’s not tolerant. What then can we say in answer to this question? Get your free resource and learn more today!

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