Grace Thoughts
with Tim Kelley
Changing Your Mirror, Part 3
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Many of us believe we have a new identity in Christ. But how do I live it? God gave me his Holy Spirit. My salvation was a one time act. But the renewing of my mind is a life long process. Nobody describes this inner tension better than the Apostle Paul. Paul now exhorts us not to live in the old man frame of reference. Old man thinking will bury you deeper in the abyss of despondency, hopelessness and mental and emotional paralysis. By God's mercy, make Jesus the Lord and King of your life for spiritual transfomation to take place. The closer you are to God, the easier it will be to change your mirror.
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Thinking with God
$25.00 Donation - includes shipping and handling
"Thinking with God" is a non published collection of messages that Tim Kelley, Grace Thoughts host, taught in a small and private setting. These CD's were never posted on the Website or made available to the general public until now. "Thinking with God" answers 2 distinct questions: What is God like and How does God Think? It is impossible for us, as believers, to think clearly in our Christian life without addressing these vital questions.
(The audio quality is reflective of the small setting in which these were recorded.)6 CD Set
$25.00 Donation - includes shipping and handling