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Grace Thoughts

with Tim Kelley
Done, Part 2 Thursday, September 5, 2024
The Gospel, the Gospel of Grace, the Finished Work of Christ, as far as I am concerned, all refer to the same thing. It is God’s plan and power on display to address man's greatest need, a fractured relationship with God. “The Gospel is a call out of littleness, out of pettiness, out of insignificant things, to the breath and sweep of great thoughts and forces and to the wide horizon of limitless possibilities.” (C.I. Scofield)

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Featured Offer from Grace Thoughts

Thinking with God

"Thinking with God" is a non published collection of messages that Tim Kelley, Grace Thoughts host, taught in a small and private setting. These CD's were never posted on the Website or made available to the general public until now. "Thinking with God" answers 2 distinct questions: What is God like and How does God Think? It is impossible for us, as believers, to think clearly in our Christian life without addressing these vital questions.

(The audio quality is reflective of the small setting in which these were recorded.)


6 CD Set
$25.00 Donation - includes shipping and handling
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