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Leading The Way

with Dr. Michael Youssef
From Valley to Victory, Part 20 Friday, September 6, 2024
On the next Leading The Way AUDIO, Dr. Michael Youssef takes you to the pages of Romans chapter fifteen (15) for a look at the FULFILLED life. 

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Why are Biblical beliefs now labeled “hate speech”? Why are students camping out in protest on their college campuses? Why are there two versions of the truth on the Internet and in the media? And when did Christians become the enemy in America? In The Hidden Enemy, Dr. Michael Youssef explains in detail what’s troubling today’s world. Our internal enemy—aggressive secularism—is stripping our nation of the vestiges of truth, as many Christians are brow-beaten into silence. What’s ironic is that secularism is opening the door to our external enemy—the “might makes right” nature of radical Islam. The Hidden Enemy reveals this two-front war — and the greater hidden enemy that threatens us today. But it does not leave you without hope.

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