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Lessons in the Ladder Days

with Candace Long
TAVNIOT: The Way God Speaks Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The Father wants His children to know Him better...but the reality is that He doesn't speak like you and I do.  He speaks in tavniot (pictures) - metaphorical language with multiple layers of meaning. Jesus spoke this way, too...in parables.  This episode takes you deep into the linguistic bootcamp to understand His language so you can interpret it for others.  What He has to say is brilliant, wise and worth far more than gold. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************

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The Levitical Calling

Writing this book shifted forever my relationship with the Lord…I have been chronicling this calling since 2006. It sheds light on why so many believers are no longer content with “church as usual” and find themselves undergoing tremendous trials. It is not that God is displeased with you…on the contrary, chances are you are being called, refined, separated and consecrated for this most holy assignment. The Day of the Lord is at hand! His Levites MUST be in place and know who they are to prepare for Messiah’s coming.

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