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Life, Love, Faith and Family

with Dr. Tim Clinton and Zach Clinton
Saving Babies and Souls: The Mission of Preborn! - Roxy Lamorgese w/Dr. Tim Clinton Tuesday, September 10, 2024
There is no greater impact than saving the life of a preborn baby. That's the fundamental belief of Roxy Lamorgese, Executive Director of the Preborn pro-life ministry. Roxy began her career as a registered nurse, so she has been in the trenches of the battle for a long time. Today she leads a team of more than 80 passionate pro-life advocates to help save lives and souls. Listen as she explains to Dr. Tim Clinton how Preborn is equipping pregnancy clinics across the country and how she is seeing firsthand the transformation of the lives of the women and the babies they serve.

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You don't have to be a counselor or have extensive training to make a difference in people's lives. This "Your Breakthrough" course is a FREE 8-module, biblically-anchored program developed by Christian mental health experts and ministry leaders that helps build mental health awareness and teaches the necessary skills to better recognize, relate, and respond to any individuals in spiritual or mental distress.

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