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From the MLJ Archive

with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Faith; the Gift of Grace Monday, September 23, 2024
2 Peter 1:1 — In this sermon on 2 Peter 1:1 titled “Faith: The Gift of Grace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones encourages his people with what they already know—what they are in Christ, what they have, and what awaits them in the future. What is it that makes Christians separate from the world? It is their precious faith. If this concept seems foreign to the listener, perhaps they need to be reminded of the old, old story and realize how they obtained this precious faith: it wasn’t won or achieved, but given as a gift of grace by God through the righteousness and blood of Jesus Christ the Son. Listeners are encouraged to realize the rarity of this gift of faith and that they are among a specific people, a great company—including the apostles, the martyrs, the fathers of the faith, the confessors, the reformers. They have the same faith as these people. Lastly, realize what this precious faith does for the Christian—the wealth of the universe cannot get rid of sins, but faith does. With this precious faith, the Christian is free from the fear of death, able to pass from death to eternal life.

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