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From the MLJ Archive

with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
His Workmanship Alone Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Colossians 1:12 — In this sermon on Colossians 1:12 titled “His Workmanship Alone,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the necessity of praise in the life of all Christians. There is no other response they could give after receiving this great salvation that made them a Christian. In His grace, God brings His people out of the world and its sinful ways and offers forgiveness and adoption through His Son. One must never think that they can be saved by their own works or merits, for all are in sin and saved only by grace. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that no one can contribute anything to their salvation. This is why Christians are to worship out of a heart of thankfulness and praise. The greatest tragedy is that there are those who do not praise God because they do not know Him. This sermon calls all to forsake themselves, trust in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and rest in His mercy. There is no other way of salvation but through Jesus Christ.

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