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From the MLJ Archive

with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Call of the Gospel Tuesday, September 17, 2024
1 Peter 2:9-25 — In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:9­–25 titled “The Call of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Peter explaining to his fellow Christians the importance of their position with God. They are not just anybody, but they are chosen and called by God to be His people forever. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expands upon what it means to be called by the gospel. How does a person know if God is calling him or her? Dr. Lloyd-Jones breaks down the differences in callings. There is the “general” call, which pastors do when they preach the word. But there is also the personal call of the gospel. This personal call, he says, occurs when the listener understands that the message is meant for him or her in particular. The listener might feel disturbed or uncomfortable with their present way of living. They might now feel as if they do not know what to do. They feel the burden and weight of their sin and are humbled by it. They realize that they are in need of a savior. Dr. Lloyd-Jones closes by offering to all who hear this great gift of peace, forgiveness, and everlasting life.

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