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New Life Live!

with Steve Arterburn
Suicide, Schizophrenia, and More Caller Questions from September 10, 2024 Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Topics: Suicide, Grief, Schizophrenia, Childhood Trauma, Father Issues, Estrangement, Abandonment, DatingHosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions & More: 1. Dr. Jill Hubbard shares about political prowess and posture; how should a Christian respond? 2. Becky Brown interviews Tracy Hoover, author and pastor’s wife, about a low point in Tracy’s life when she wanted to give up. 3. It’s been 9mos since separating from my wife with schizophrenia; is it okay for me to be away if she wants me to hit myself to suffer pain along with her? 4. I just reconnected with my dad for the first time in 30yrs, and when I asked him why he wasn’t in my life, he responded by asking me the same question. 5. I’ve been dating a man for 6mos who came to know the Lord when he was in prison, and he hasn’t introduced me to his adult children. Suggested Resources:Take Your Life BackForgiving Our Fathers and MothersTake Your Life Back Devotional

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Every Believer's Thought Life

Jesus made it clear that while sexual integrity is expressed through the body, it’s rooted in the mind. But aligning our thoughts with God’s thoughts isn’t always easy. Illicit sexual thoughts don’t need to have free rein in your mind. The Bible provides an arsenal of weapons to win the battle. Jesus invites you to live with full sexual integrity—in your behavior, heart, and mind. Instead of succumbing to the despair and darkness of sin, you can take every thought captive and replace it with thoughts that align with God’s truth, allowing Him to bring about His best for your life.

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