Parent Compass Radio
with Real Christian Families
Agent Under Fire, Part 3
Friday, March 14, 2025
Shot with an AK-47 by the Mexican drug cartel, can US agent Victor Avila trust where the helicopter is taking him and the medical personnel? With hoods over their heads, Claudia, Victor’s wife, and their two young children are escorted by seven vehicles with armed guards to the airport.Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. – Matthew 5:4It could have very well been my husband that died that day. – ClaudiaThe incident has escalated and we are having the Government of Mexico escorting us to the airport. Brace yourself. – ClaudiaWe have these hoods put over our heads. – Victor Emilio, age 6 at the timeThey put us in the back of this Suburban. – Sofia, age 10 at the timeThey put a hood over my head and kind of escorted me. There was at least seven, if not more, vehicles with armed guards on the back of the trucks pointing long guns at everything. – ClaudiaIt was scary. – ClaudiaI remember my kids just “Momma, mommy, momma.” – ClaudiaThis is way too much for a fire hazard. This does not make sense. – SofiaThe alarms were blaring. They were yelling at us. Keep your kids down. – ClaudiaArmed vehicles next to us and it front of us and we are just hauling. What else is happening? – ClaudiaAre our lives in danger? What is happening? – ClaudiaWe get to the airport and there is military all over the place. That is when I was told it was a cartel hit. – ClaudiaNothing made sense. – ClaudiaSomething is not right here. – SofiaNews trucks pulling up to the house. – SofiaHow do you tell your kids, your dad was gunned down by cartels and they killed his partner. – ClaudiaDon't miss a show. Subscribe at Download the Parent Compass App.
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