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Sound of Faith

with Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
Genesis Part 2: Days 2-4, Part 3 Monday, October 14, 2024
Day 2 was the only day that God did not say, "And it was good." Why? Discover the greenhouse effect of the firmament that once covered the earth, making it a virtual paradise with universal warm temperatures and lush vegetation before there was rain. What happened that altered this canopy of waters? Also, how the Zodiac declares the message of the Gospel, and how it has been corrupted by Satan.

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The Last Blast By Sharon Hardy Knotts

It’s not a brass trumpet, but a shofar—a ram's horn. There are 4 different blasts: One was long, increasing in loudness, the one that sounded on Mt. Sinai when God spoke. God came down, and Moses went up, symbolic of the rapture of the saints. Rabbis say that Satan can’t tell the difference between the shofar & God’s voice. In Revelation, John confirmed God’s voice sounded like a shofar saying, “Come up here” typifying the rapture. Paul called it “the last trump” that will wake up the dead in Christ & summon the living to be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. It is not the seventh trumpet of Rev. 8 as the “mid-trib” stance claims—meaning the living Church will go through the first half of the Tribulation. We have been delivered from the wrath to come! CD $10 & Free Shipping

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