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Watchman on the Wall

with Southwest Radio Ministries
Invisible War on the Saints: Part 2 Friday, June 21, 2024
Jon Ruetz with Greg Patten After several years of traveling evangelism, Greg’s life was dramatically changed by a demonic attack. Decades of extensive study and work with hundreds of demonically oppressed people have led to this series in which Dr. Patten exposes the enemy’s weak points and teaches the believer to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.

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Invisible War on the Saints: Victor or Victim?

Prepare for an eye-opening confrontation with the unseen. Experience the intense spiritual battles believers face, drawing from spine-tingling encounters with demonic forces. Learn to arm yourself with the tools of spiritual warfare, recognize the eternal over the temporal, and transform from victim to victor through godly wisdom and the power of Jesus Christ.

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