Watchman on the Wall

with Southwest Radio Ministries
Inauguration Day 2025: Part 2 Tuesday, January 21, 2025
When the roots of a nation intertwine with faith, its leaders and visionaries leave behind a legacy steeped in belief and conviction. Explore the profound influence of Christianity on America’s founding fathers and presidents, as revealed through their writings and speeches. Delve into the historical insights of Bill Federer, who brings to light the enduring impact of biblical principles on the shaping of a nation. This compelling narrative offers a fresh perspective on the spiritual foundations that continue to resonate in today’s world. Check out "Miracles in American History Book Volume 1" by Bill Federer here!

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Miracles in American History Book Volume 1

When the stakes were highest, and the odds seemed insurmountable, extraordinary events shaped the destiny of a nation. This captivating collection of stories unveils the remarkable moments where faith and courage altered the course of American history. From the desperate struggles of early wars to pivotal moments in global conflicts, each tale highlights the unseen forces that intervened at critical junctures. These compelling accounts remind us of the profound impact of prayer and perseverance in the face of adversity, offering a powerful reflection on the enduring spirit of a nation shaped by faith.

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