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Telling the Truth

with Stuart and Jill Briscoe
The Rain Man Monday, January 13, 2025
How’s your prayer life? Are your prayers childish, easily distracted, unfocused and lacking in passion, seeing prayer as a way to get what you want? Or are they heartfelt, fervent, and effective… prayer that works? Drawing from the prophet Elijah’s fervent prayer life and his prayers for rain in a drought, Jill guides us in becoming great “pray-ers” and encourages us that effective prayer takes time and work but is completely worthwhile.

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We want to help you grasp God’s powerful design for prayer—so you can start praying in a whole new way—by sending you Jill’s book, Prayer That Works.

Prayer That Works is our thanks for your gift to reach more people throughout the year ahead with the Briscoes’ timeless and encouraging teaching and resources. So request your copy when you give—and thank you for your partnership in helping people around the world experience abundant Life and freedom in Jesus Christ.

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