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The Bible Study Hour

with Dr. James Boice
Lifting the Lid on Hell Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Have you ever been struck by the seriousness of the “21 vices” listed in the first chapter of Romans? If you haven’t, you may be after this week’s lesson from the book of Romans, on the Bible Study Hour… preparing you to think and act biblically.

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Living Victorious (PDF Download)

In the running of the Christian life, we can err by looking only at the past; this is sin, for it is a lack of faith in God’s future blessing. But we can also err by looking only at so distant a future that we miss the more immediate blessings that God has in store for us now. If we are really to engage in that great struggle for God’s best, we must also prepare for vigorous spiritual conflict. Our striving is not only against ourselves or circumstances but against the spiritual forces of this world that would seek to hinder us.

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