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The Christian Worldview

with David Wheaton
Watch Over Your Heart With All Diligence Saturday, September 28, 2024
Send us a textOn Thursday, September 19, a statement was released from Trinity Bible Church in Dallas announcing that their pastor, “Steven J. Lawson has been removed indefinitely from all ministry activities at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas. Several days ago, the elders at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas were informed by Steve Lawson of an inappropriate relationship that he has had with a woman.”The shocks of this earthquake were immediately felt throughout the Evangelical Christian world. How could the 73-year-old popular and influential theologically conservative pastor/preacher who had been in ministry for nearly 50 years, who preached at the biggest conferences around the world, who was “a preacher to aspiring preachers”, who had written dozens of books on Christian doctrine, history, and practice, fall into this kind of disqualifying sin?Surely, the best of preachers, one who fastidiously studied and accurately preached the Word with such passion and conviction, he must surely be sanctified beyond this?Someone once said, “The best of men are men at best.” Or Scripture puts it even better, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). That means all men and women. Great preachers and you and me.We will discuss this tragic news this weekend on The Christian Worldview, not in any way to judge a man, but so that all of us would “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

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Who Am I? by Martyn Iles

Who am I? This question holds great significance, and the answer is defining a generation and impacting eternity. Martyn Iles, the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, masterfully equips this generation with truth and hope providing a compelling biblical apologetic on this issue of identity in his book, Who Am I? The freedom to create or choose your own identity is being normalized by our culture. This self-created worldview leads to self-worship. According to Iles, this age of identity “is immunizing a generation against a sense of their sinfulness and desperate need before God. It is telling them to take that for which Christ had to die — their “true selves” — and to embrace it, live by it, and be proud of it. This is a message that ensures people will never get over the threshold of God’s kingdom because they will never be poor in spirit. It is condemning a generation to hell.” Pg 32 LOOK INSIDE“As you read this book, you’ll dive deep into Genesis and God’s design for mankind. Martyn pulls out eternal truths that the church has long taught and known and applies them anew for a lost and confused generation. And he does so in a way that points to Christ and His completed work for us on the Cross.” Ken Ham, Founding CEO of Answers in Genesis Read Who Am I? to anchor yourself and your family in the gospel. While the world chooses to indoctrinate even the youngest students to dismiss God’s law, this graphically engaging and easy to read, Christian resource will arm you with the pure wisdom of the incorruptible Word of God. Use Who Am I? in family devotions, Bible study groups, and evangelical events allowing the double-edged sword of the Bible to penetrate and remove the veil of deception covering our culture. 

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