The Christian Worldview
with David Wheaton
Why Jimmy Carter’s Faith is Lauded While the Faith of Others is Loathed?
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Send us a textGUEST: JOSH BUICE, Pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church (GA) and President G3 MinistriesFollowing the recent death of Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States who served from 1977-1981, the headlines have been singing in unison:Jimmy Carter, a lifelong Baptist, left a legacy of faithfulness, compassion and justice (Baptist News):‘A shining example’: Religious leaders praise the late former President Jimmy Carter (Religion News Services)Pope praises Jimmy Carter’s ‘deep Christian faith’ (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)Setting aside the widespread perception that Carter’s one-term presidency was feckless—stagnant economy, fuel shortages, unresolved hostage ordeal with Iran—the paradox with Carter is that he professed to be a born-again Christian despite the fact that he was a proponent of abortion and homosexual “marriage”.How can a professed follower of God advocate for things so contrary to the Word of God? And why is he so lauded when other professing born again Christians are loathed?Our guest this weekend is Josh Buice. He is the pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in Georgia and the founder and president of G3 Ministries. Josh will talk about Jimmy Carter and his faith along with other current issues in society and the church:Why Christians should seek the abolition of abortion and not be satisfied with incremental gains like heartbeat lawsHow Christians should think about pastors and the local church in light of the disqualification of preacher Steve LawsonWhat Christians should discern about the person and policies of Donald Trump, as he takes the oath of office on Mon, January 20.Be sure to tune in for this wide-ranging conversation.----------------------The Overcomer Course - registration open for June 20-21, 2025
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