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The Christians Hour

with Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel
Envy - Comparison Thursday, July 4, 2024
TCH is a ministry of Gospel Broadcasting Mission.  GBM’s mission is to broadcast the message of Jesus in many languages to peoples and tribes world-wide.  Many of our broadcasters work in places where persecution is the rule of the day and freedom to worship is greatly restricted.  We are thankful for the freedom we enjoy in this country and how we have the freedom to share the Hope of eternity, not only here through TCH, but to the world!  We hope your Independence Day celebrations included giving thanks to God  for the blessings we enjoy here in this place.    In today’s message Aaron Brockett, preaching minister with Trader’s Point Christian Church in Indianapolis, IN, is on a hunt for the spiderwebs we allow to entangle us, and shares insight on how to gain control over the critters that weave them.  Here’s Aaron…

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