The Christians Hour

with Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel
Not to Us Thursday, March 13, 2025
In our culture, more is more, but Jesus taught and modeled that the “more” you’re looking for is found in less.  You see, God wants us to take on His “Kingdom View”; a view not based on the temporary but on the eternal, because His Kingdom is forever.   This month, Aaron Brockett, the lead minister with the Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana will be leading us through a series he is calling “modgniK”.  “modgniK” is simply Kingdom spelled backwards.  Jesus has invited all of us to be a part of His kingdom, a kingdom that to us seems backwards to our own “World View”.    Our world, our culture clamors and claws for power, recognition, position, and title. Jesus says, “Not so with you.” You live with a different set of kingdom values. If you live this out, the result will be;  a healthier marriage, healthier kids, healthier work environment, a healthier church.   Here’s Aaron to explain…

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