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The Christians Hour

with Bob Russell, Tim Harlow, Rick Atchley, Ben Cachiaras, Aaron Brockett, and Gene Appel
When It's Time to Go Home Thursday, May 23, 2024
Ben Cachiaras, the lead minister with Mountain Christian Church, and their 4 campuses located just outside of Baltimore, Maryland has been our teacher, this month.  Ben has been unpacking the Bible’s story of a man who God brought up from slavery to be second in command of all of Egypt, Joseph.  The series is called: Have a Great Life!   So, this week we once again pick up with the life of Joseph.  Joseph has been sold into slavery then after being falsely accused of something he did not do endured time in prison before rising to serve as second in command of all of Egypt.  Through it all, Joseph has lived most of his life not knowing if he would ever see his father again. When Joseph finally learns his father is alive and that they would meet soon, Joseph became excitedly focused on it, yearning for the reunion.   The ”hope” of Christianity, because of the resurrection of Christ from the dead, is that beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will meet our heavenly father one day.  Intrigued?  Here’s Ben to explain.

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