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Through the Bible for Skeptics, Seekers, and Disciples

with Dr. Eric Bryant
Revelation 19 - Do You Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Saturday, May 25, 2024
Prior to the birth of Jesus, many of the faithful Jews assumed the Messiah would come to defeat the Roman Empire and establish a political kingdom. Instead Jesus announced a spiritual Kingdom and conquered sin and death through His death on the cross. Even now many assume Jesus will return to defeat those opposed to God. Surprisingly He appears with blood already on Him, and the sword He has is coming out of His mouth. In Revelation for Everyone, N.T. Wright explains: “Once more, this is symbolic language, truly pointing to a reality which lies beyond it… The victory here is a victory over all pagan power, which means a victory over violence itself. The symbolism is appropriate because.. the Messiah will judge the nations with the sword of his mouth (Isaiah 11) and he will tread the winepress of the wrath of God (Isaiah 63). As John's readers know well by now, the actual weapons which Jesus uses to win the battle are his own blood, his loving self-sacrifice.” All who aligned with evil, the beasts, and the dragon are thrown into the lake of fire. Jesus and those who follow Him celebrate the Great Wedding Banquet. God has made all things right! #NewTestament #Devotional #SpiritualGrowth #BibleSummary #Christianity #BibleStudy #ScriptureSummary #ChristianLife #Faith #Church #EarlyChurch #Revelation #EndTimes #JusticeOfGod #Apocalypse #BiblicalProphecy #SecondComing #Persecution #Dissident #Resistance #Babylon #Witness #Jesus

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