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Truth For Life

with Alistair Begg
Lessons from the Past (Part 2 of 2) Monday, September 9, 2024
In his letter, Jude described false teachers as masters of disguise who may present well enough but are actually dangerous and destructive to the church. On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg teaches us to recognize common disguises of false teachers. Jude 1:11–13

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By: Stephen McAlpine - Western culture has changed dramatically over the past few decades, and it shows no sign of stopping. For many, this unpredictable, dynamic environment creates fear and anxiety. The book Futureproof addresses the question, ‘How are followers of Jesus to interact in a society marked by an anxiety epidemic and rapidly moving away from a biblical worldview?” This exceptionally relevant book addresses the key questions for all of us—in particular, what is our role as lights in an increasingly dark world, and what is the role of the church? How can believers bring the hope and peace of the Gospel message to those who perceive it to be offensive?

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