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Understanding the Times

with Jan Markell
A Tsunami is Coming Friday, September 27, 2024
Jan Markell talks to Pastor Mark Henry.  An economic tsunami may be up ahead which should be expected if we’re going to own nothing and be happy. And an all-new money system is going to be unleashed soon. Our guest suggests we’ll be all digital in 18 months. How does this fit into the predicted biblical scenario?

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Ten Potent Proofs for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture – Lee Brainard

In less than 120 pages, ten distinct arguments are presented which prove that the rapture must happen prior to the tribulation, that is, prior to the seventieth week. The church will not see any of the visitations in the book of Revelation. We will not see the antichrist, the false prophet, or the mark of the beast.

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