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4word Women

with Work Love Pray
How to Break Free From the Scarcity Mindset Tuesday, September 10, 2024
If you were asked to define “scarcity mindset,” what would you say? Is it something you think you struggle with? Is it a bad thing? S. Renee Smith, advisor, coach, and strategic partner, joins the podcast to discuss why the scarcity mindset is prevalent and what type of mindset we should all focus on having. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone. Guest Bio: S. Renee is an advisor, coach, and strategic partner to senior leaders with a focus on organizational change through talent development. Her area of expertise is in soft skills for current and future leaders. In her early thirties, she landed a seat at the table as the youngest member of a university president’s cabinet, and has since spent a considerable amount of time sharing the stage and working with corporate CEOs, mid to senior-level leaders, and small business owners of multi-million and billion-dollar operations. However, she effectively provides talent development at every level of an organization.   Her accomplishments in the area of talent development resulted in her expertise being sought and published by the world’s bestselling reference brand series, For Dummies. She is the co-author of Self-Esteem for Dummies(Jan. 2015). Additionally, one of the fast-growing online publishers, Callisto Media, hired her to write 5 Steps to Assertiveness: How to Communicate with Confidence and Get What You Want (May 2018).  S. Renee is known for her ability to help clients shatter old beliefs and breakthrough mental barriers. Ultimately, her clients present and communicate with confidence and make more significant contributions to the organization’s performance. Client success stories include becoming highly effective leaders and award-winning performers.   S. Renee is also author of Harness the POWER of Personal Branding and Executive Presence: Elevate Your Life and Career Now!; The Bridge to Your Brand: Likability, Marketability, Credibility; There Is More Inside: Personal Essentials Needed to Living a Power-Packed Life; and Our Hearts Wonder: Prayers to Heal Your Heart and Calm Your Soul.  Orginal broadcast dated: November 2019 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)

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