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4word Women

with Work Love Pray
How to Reinvent Networking Monday, September 16, 2024
Networking is something that most, if not all, successful business people would tell you is a must if you want to see your career grow. But it’s just not that enjoyable. Why? And is there a way to fix it and make something to look forward to? JoAnne Baldwin, marketer at PitchBook and marketing co-director for 4word: Seattle, discusses why she goes into a networking situation with the intent to encourage others rather than simply use them for their connections and shares tips for you to reinvent the way you network. Guest Bio: JoAnne Baldwin is a Northwest-raised, Pepperdine grad, outdoor enthusiast, multi-sport athlete, avid home chef, and traveler. During the day, you can find her loving her job as a marketer at PitchBook, a data provider for the capital markets. She leads a team developing programs to influence product adoption and expand existing licenses, aiming to delight PitchBook customers every day.    Throughout her life, JoAnne has been shaped by the positive mentors and peers who demonstrate integrity and intentionality. Her confidence is founded in knowing that all things come from God and it is an honor and responsibility to give generously and love others well. She aims both personally and professionally to be an encouragement to those around her.  Orginal broadcast dated: April 2020 Click here for the latest Podcast from 4word - Work Love Pray Podcast - 4word (4wordwomen.org)

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