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A Daily Walk

with John Randall
Knowing the Unknown God Part 2 Thursday, June 27, 2024
We’re going to resume pastor John Randall’s study of Acts, as we look at chapter seventeen once again.  The scene shifts to Athens today.  As Paul the apostle looks around, he sees the city full of idols, and so he begins presenting just what they needed to hear... the Gospel message!  And the Lord gives us many opportunities to do the same if we’re open and willing.  Let’s be encouraged together to believe and then share the Gospel.

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“Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross” t-shirt

Maybe you’ve noticed that a simple message on a t-shirt can often lead to some great conversations.   Today we’d like to offer you one of our latest tees.  It’s the “Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross” t-shirt.  Take a look at it right now in our estore.

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