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A Daily Walk

with John Randall
The Power of Encouragement Part 1 Friday, June 28, 2024
When you’re hit with the news that there’s no longer a place for you at work, or maybe the church you attend is under great spiritual attack… it’s about that time we can become discouraged and afraid.  Did you know that even prophets like Elijah, and apostles like Paul even dealt with discouragement?   And God has an answer!  We’ll take a look at it today on a Daily Walk.  We enter Acts eighteen where we read about a time in Paul’s life when he was fearful and discouraged.  And maybe that’s where you’re at today? 

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Featured Offer from A Daily Walk

“Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross” t-shirt

Maybe you’ve noticed that a simple message on a t-shirt can often lead to some great conversations.   Today we’d like to offer you one of our latest tees.  It’s the “Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross” t-shirt.  Take a look at it right now in our estore.

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