A Daily Walk
with John Randall
Unbroken Part 1
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Is it possible to have a good attitude even during great difficulties? In Second Corinthians chapter four verses seven through eighteen we’ll learn how God can use the difficulties you’re facing in life to not only reveal Himself to you but to others too. It’s “why we don’t lose heart.” Paul is a great example of that. Despite his circumstances and they’ve been difficult – Paul makes a decision about them that we can learn from!
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Featured Offer from A Daily Walk

Happily Even After, Doing Marriage Right.
We’re super excited about this month’s offer. It’s a book from our friend in the ministry, Barry Stagner titled, “Happily Even After, Doing Marriage Right.” If your heart needs to be encouraged, refreshed or even challenged in the area of marriage or relationships, then this practical book is a must read!