The Grace Message
with Dr. Andrew Farley
Renew Your View: Seeing Life Through the Lens of Grace – Part 4
Sunday, January 12, 2025
What if you didn’t need a new you, just a new view? Hebrews 8-10 reveals the mind-blowing truth that you’re already forgiven, holy, and blameless. No more self-improvement projects and endless striving. Instead, you can celebrate being one with Him forever, thanks to a more excellent ministry and better promises.
The cross worked perfectly, once for all, and God will never require anything else for your forgiveness. Imagine living life with the confidence that nothing is wrong with you. Because of the New Covenant, you’re perfectly cleansed inside and out, allowing the light of Christ to shine brilliantly through you.
Get ready to see life through the lens of grace and experience the transformative power of believing what God says about you. Click now to watch and discover how this freedom and assurance can change the way you live!
Discussion Questions for Hebrews 8-10:
1. Read Hebrews 8:6. What is the “more excellent ministry”? What are the “better promises”?
2. Read Hebrews 9:11-12. Why are the words “once for all” and “eternal” so significant in this passage?
3. Read Hebrews 9:13-14. What is the comparison and logical argument made? What does this mean to you personally?
4. Read Hebrews 9:15 and react to this statement: The cross works backward and forward in time.
5. Read Hebrews 10:15-17. What are the key elements of the new covenant? Why is it noteworthy that the Holy Spirit is testifying to it?
6. Read Hebrews 10:18 and react to this statement: The cross worked perfectly, so God will never require anything else for your forgiveness.
7. Read Hebrews 10:19-23. What are three or four things we’re encouraged to do in light of Christ’s finished work?
8. Read Hebrews 10:24-25. In terms of attitudes and actions, what is the main focus in this new life in Christ? And why do we gather today?
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