The Boundless Show

with Lisa Anderson
Gen Z and Dating Apps: Episode 890 Thursday, February 20, 2025
Overcommitment on church activities, plus Suzanne Gosselin on Gen Z’s apathy toward dating apps, and what if your date has mental health issues?    Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado Roundtable: Church Involvement Overload Sunday services. Volunteering. Helping others throughout the week. Not to mention Bible study, small group, committee meetings and discipleship. If you aren’t careful, doing good and even “godly” activities out of guilt can lead to burnout. Besides, if you’re always at church, what do you do about your neighbor and others who don’t know Christ? To help us find equilibrium, our guests share how they’re learning to pause, prioritize and even cut back on their commitments to find joy in what God actually wants from them and for them.  Leave Us a Voicemail Watch This Segment on YouTube Culture: A Young Adult Exodus From Online Dating In the early 2000s online dating sites were brand new, and heading into the 2010s and beyond, increasing numbers of couples credited digital connections for helping them find their spouse. But the latest statistics indicate Gen Z is ditching online dating apps. Boundless friend and contributor Suzanne Gosselin shares insight on why young adults aren’t as prone to swipe right as older generations.    True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life    Dating Apps Lose Popularity Among Gen Z Visit Suzanne’s Website Inbox: Dating and Mental Health Issues Is it possible to have a good dating relationship if you or your significant other struggles with depression, anxiety, or other forms of mental illness? Counselor Joannie DeBrito joins us to answer.  Find us on YouTube  Link to Counseling Services 

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