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Generations Radio

with Kevin Swanson
Bias in Journalism and History - Is There an Objective Standard? Friday, September 20, 2024
The media has always had a tremendous impact on the formation of public opinion . . . but it at least tried to be unbiased in its reporting in times past. So what do we do when it becomes as blatantly biased as it is today? Is there an objective, absolute standard to use when interpreting the events around us? Or is it the one who yells “Heretic!” the loudest who wins in the end? We review some of the basics requirements for good journalism, how to navigate the maze of a thousand opinions, and the need bring God’s standards to bear in the area of the press and current events on this edition of the program. This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Good Samaritan saves trucker from fire, Trump thanks God for sparing his life twice, Pakistani Christian mother sentenced to death) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

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